
For Zack Snyder’s Justice League Cut

PROJECT NEW YORK COMIC CON: How it Happened and The Next Steps

Whilst witnessing the great campaigning efforts in the run-up to San Diego Comic-Con I felt inspired to keep the momentum up once SDCC was over. During that period I was lucky enough to be able to put together a bunch of incredible people that I would personally like to take this opportunity to thank. I thought it would be nice for me to do that by telling you all about how this all came about and the great work involved by all parties. It was also clear to me, seeing such an incredible effort by everyone raising such huge sums of money for SDCC, that asking for large financial backing once again would be too much. However, as we know, in the real world there is only so much you can do without money.


After some initial discussions with Mick (@sci_prog_MickD) we decided that a lot could still be achieved with a more modest budget. The result of this was an initial concept to hire a digital billboard in Times Square on the busiest day of NYCC. It was considered that having it play repeatedly on one busy day from midday to midnight would make it unmissable and be most beneficial. We then realised that our digital billboard could be animated. To make this dream a reality we required the skills of two people:


  1. The incredible graphic design skills of Ramesh De Silva (@RameshDeSilva2).
  2. Someone who could get our concept to move! For this there was only really one person to ask. Yes, Chris Dawson (@CDawsonAuthor) of Black Suit Edition fame will be animating our video!


So Ramesh and I came up with a few concepts, Ramesh made them reality, and now Chris is making all the components move! So if the Black Suit Edition is delayed, it’s probably my fault! Sorry Chris!


In the meantime, Mick and I agreed that a ground presence at NYCC is vital for the success of the project. We needed people with experience and know-how, and there could be no better solution to help us organise than The Nerd Queens (@TheNerdQueens), who did so much incredible work on the ground in San Diego! Joining the team is Leonidas (@Signs2323) who will help to hand out materials to boost the awareness of the movement. There are others who have also agreed to give up one day and help with campaigning such as Manu from The Film Exiles (@ManUnited0710) and many others that have contacted @RTSnyderCut indicating that they would like to give up their time and help too! We will ask @RTSnyderCut to help us arrange a meeting point with all of you who are attending and would like to help closer to the time of the convention.


There will also be a couple of surprise appearances that we are all excited about, so keep your eyes open for an announcement in the next few weeks! What I can share at the moment is that we are going to have some really unique and cool photographs to share with you on the weekend of NYCC!

As mentioned, none of this is possible without your generous support. Thanks to your incredible generosity, so soon after SDCC, we were able to achieve our goal. I would like to thank the team behind @RTSnyderCut for all their efforts in promoting this campaign, without your unification of this fandom, none of this would be possible. Achieving our goal was also in large part thanks to Will Rowlands (@willrowactor) who set up and managed our GoFundMe page, and was incredibly helpful in facilitating the deposit of donations from people who did not have the ability to donate via GoFundMe’s platform. Thank you Will! Finally, but by no means least, I want to thank Abdul (@TPZAbdul) for volunteering for the responsibility of making the donation of this money to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Being our “banker” is a big responsibility and I want to thank you for being kind enough to help us.


So what is next? Well as indicated, our next course of action is to submit your incredibly generous donation of $3,000 to the AFSP and we will make sure you all are informed of the successful transfer. Following that, we will submit our completed video billboard for approval, and if approved we will complete the purchase, and once again inform you all of the transfer. If not, we will make the necessary changes needed for approval. Finally, as mentioned earlier, we will ask @RTSnyderCut to put out the call for all NYCC attendees/New York locals that are willing to give up some of their time to get in contact with us. We will then begin scheduling when and where these volunteers can collect some leaflets and other Release The Snyder Cut materials to pass around inside and outside the convention centre.

What can you do in the meantime? Well, it wouldn’t be a comic con if there wasn’t a shirt right? Mick and Ramesh have worked incredibly hard to produce for you some beautiful shirts to mark the event. One white, one black, and as always 100% of all profits go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. 

The great folks at Ink to the People even put out a video clip on twitter showing the production of these great shirts! (How cool is that??!?!)


You can find these great shirts for purchase in the links below!




In closing I just want to say a final thank you to all of you who donated their money and their tweets for this project. We will do our best to make as much positive noise for the release of the Snyder Cut and to make you proud.


Let’s do this.

 Dr. Chris (@vinaldo7)