
For Zack Snyder’s Justice League Cut

The Ultimate Immigrant Story: Zack Snyder’s Superman by Sheraz Farooqi

Superheroes have always represented the best of humanity. Compassion, selflessness, courage, determination and leadership. Superheroes resonate with human society because they represent the ideals we can all strive towards. As a Muslim American, coming from a family of immigrants, there is one superhero that resonates with me most of all, and that’s Superman. While I have been a lifelong Superman fan and reader, there is one iteration of the character that truly captures and emulates this “ultimate immigrant” experience and that is Zack Snyder’s Superman.

In today’s world, superheroes have become a multi-billion-dollar industry, Marvel and DC Comics have translated their heroes from the comic page to screen in beautiful, gripping and inspiring ways. Both brands amaze us as well as make us think about society at large. In 2017, superheroes not only provide entertainment for all ages, they also provide a much-needed escape. In this area, Marvel and their juggernaut of the MCU thrive in providing a fun, colorful experience that leaves you feeling better and happier than how you arrived. While this is crucial to experience in our current flawed, divided and broken society, it isn’t all that we need. Sometimes, we need to see our greatest heroes, these utopian, mythological figures, go through what many of us feel in real life. In this area, DC & their DC films excel……

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